7618 17th Ave 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11214

(800) 647-7999
(718) 234-0005

Employment Due Diligence

done right gives you PEACE of MIND

Click below for your Peace of Mind

Learn More

Describe your employment due diligence goals and why they’re important to your company

Strategize a game plan that will target your goals

Customize a comprehensive program that will accomplish your goals and give you peace of mind

What We Do


As an employer, your job is to hire the best employees possible without worrying about the ever changing Federal, State and local compliance regulations.  You can either waist time and money trying to figure it out yourself…or just call DDS!  DDS is your one source for compliance protection and services that will enhance your ability to hire the best candidates.  Concentrate on what you do best and let DDS do what we do best…protect you!

What's New


DDS-Employee Screening Services specializes in protecting businesses throughout the U.S. with respect to their pre- and post- employment due diligence practices. Because of that, we track the U.S. Business economy trends and outlook to determine where the industry growth sectors will be and where our expertise will be needed most. READ MORE

Drug Testing

DDS has been in the substance abuse testing industry for over 35 years. We work with both regulated and non-regulated programs and have a variety of testing methods.

Background Check

Background checks encompass a variety of different services, which is why DDS customizes a compliant program to satisfy your particular needs and goals, while protecting your company from liabilities.


All regulated and non-regulated verifications are processed directly by the DDS Verification Team. We don’t give excuses why a verification could not be confirmed. We get results!

Civil & Criminal Records

With Federal, State and even Municipal compliance regulations changing constantly, any non-compliant information you receive to make a hiring decision can put your company at risk.

DDS/RISC Registration


DDS Client Login

DDS Walkthrough

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Client Support

At DDS, we are high tech, but very high touch. If ever you have questions, concerns or any other inquiry, you will always get one of our Support Team Members live via phone or email during normal business hours. It may sound old fashioned not to have an automated “Ticket” system like almost everyone else, but our goal is not to satisfy our clients…it is to amaze them with our ability to provide answers or solution in record time. Try us, you’ll love us!

Get in Touch with Us

Our Mission

At no time has it been more important to make the right hiring decision. With employee turnover, internal theft, and substance abuse at an all time high (not to mention negligent hiring lawsuits), it becomes more important to make every effort to protect your business as well as maintaining productivity and profitability.

Visit Our Office

(800) 647-7999
(718) 234-0005

7618 17th Ave 2nd Floor,
Brooklyn, NY 11214

